I hope everyone in the U.S. had a great Independence Day week. Today’s Northern Expression comes from a patriotic thinker, Benjamin Franklin in Poor Richard’s Almanack. Franklin was so good with short, powerful phrases. Today’s sentiment is a good one. Money is not worth more than virtue. And ultimately, the path to financial independence is one of eschewing power to gain liberty. Keep your priorities in order. Be good. Be kind. Be virtuous.
Happy Friday, friends!
Love, Maggie
Yes, Franklin was good with short, powerful phrases. Here’s my favorite 🙂
“Fart for freedom, fart for liberty—and fart proudly.”
I don’t know that one… 🙂
Penny (@picksuppennies)
Yup. Money isn’t everything.
amen, Penny. Amen.
Such a great reminder. One thing that’s always with you is your conscience, so it’s good to like and respect it.
SO true. You can get ahead in so many ways… but you’ll live healthier and happier if you choose the right ways.
Short and sweet! And be kind cannot be said enough!