Shared Inspiration

Shared Inspiration

Last week, I asked readers to share their favorite links. I said I’d share them on the original post, but they were too good not to share on their own. So… Today’s inspiration is from YOU!

  • Harmony from Creating My Kaleidoscope shared a post on 5 Myths About Success from the blog Marc and Angel Hack Life. You guys, I NEEDED this post (thank you, Harmony!). You are trying too hard. Give yourself grace and focus on consistency first. Baby steps. I need to focus on the baby steps.
  • Claudia over at Two Cup House shared The Frugal Vagabond‘s new AWESOME tool called The Earth Awaits. This site is so amazing. You can plug in your priorities in a place to live and your monthly budget and it will pop up the perfect place just for you!
  • Tawcan shared his post on becoming extraordinary and, more specifically, a video of Dr. Wayne Dyer on literally making your dreams reality. This takes the “affirmations” step of the Miracle Morning to the next level.
  • Mustard Seed Money shared an awesome interview they did with former NFL player Gabe Manns. My favorite quote: “The only financial activity going on in the locker room were guys saying bet me $100 if I can make this tape in the waste basket.”

That was fun! Thanks for sharing, friends!

Love, Maggie


Becoming a Millionaire FAST (and people that have done it!)


The State of Retirement in the U.S. in 2016


  1. You’re so welcome! I love reading posts from Marc and Angel, always so motivating. It was fun to share some sources of inspiration with each other.

    • MaggieBanks

      I definitely want to read more of their stuff! I need a little “pat on the back you’re doing okay” this week. 🙂

  2. The Earth Awaits site is amazing! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Thanks for the mention, will have to check out the other links.

  4. The Frugal Vagabond

    Aww, thank you so much to you and Claudia for the mention! I am in esteemed company, and I am so, so SO gratified that people are enjoying the site so far. I am working even as we speak (well technically I’m procrastinating) to make it even better for people. Currency conversions, map views, user accounts with custom budgets that you can apply in the search… it’s all coming! I hope you guys will continue to stick with me over the next few months as I really get going!

    • MaggieBanks

      Absolutely. It’s already amazing. I can’t wait to see where it goes now! It’s so great to have a passion project!

  5. Thanks for the mention MaggieBanks. That was a fun interview to do.

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