Santa Baby for Savers

Santa Baby for Savers

I can’t tell you how excited I am to share this with you today! As our Christmas present to you, Mr. T and I have written and recorded a brand new Christmas Carol for Personal Finance Geeks and Money-Savers alike! Enjoy!

NOTE: The Google ads in the video were not added by us, but by the owners of the copyright of the original song. 


Northern Expressions: The Right Investments


Roth IRA Challenge: Start Early


  1. 🙂 This is AWESOME! Well, done!!!!!

  2. Awesome job on the song, that was amazing! I love the kids at the end too. 🙂

  3. So, so, so fun! I love this, Maggie!

  4. Love love love this! You guys are awesome. xoxoxo

  5. TJ

    This needs to go viral. Haha.

  6. This just made my Monday. More awesome than an awesome possum.


    You have some mighty fine talents in your family.

    Happy holidays to all!!

  7. You are my favorite person in the world.

  8. I LOVE the song!!!! New favorite Christmas song. And I love your kiddos at the end–too cute! “When are we going to Spain?” LOL

  9. So cute! Definitely needs to be shared a million times!!

  10. Great job all the way through and the ending was perfect!

  11. Is that your voice?? So beautiful!!

    LOVE THIS!! Haha… bad ass.

    • MaggieBanks

      It is indeed, me. Backed up by my husband. And you just made my day! Thanks, J!

  12. I thought that you could not possibly outdo your Halloween costumes for awesome. Turns out you could. Well done!

  13. Thank you, it was a perfect gift! Loved the lyrics, your voice, and the kids are adorable.

  14. Finally had a chance to listen to this and it is so freakin’ AWESOME!!!!! Great job and really impressed by your singing!!!!

  15. So fun and well done. Love the part about not fighting about mortgage payoff vs. investing. And I love your voice 🙂

  16. OMG! This is amazing! Absolutely AMAZING!

  17. Kim from Philadelphia

    Awesome, just… awesome!

  18. Chris @ KeepThrifty

    That was phenomenal – well done!

  19. OK to link to this in my newsletter? It’s so cute, and you have such a nice voice!

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