What does your remarkable life look like?

What Does Your Remarkable Life Look Like?

Several years ago, I caught a glimpse at my doctor’s notes in my chart. Mine didn’t say “difficult patient” like Elaine in that one Seinfeld Episode, but I was equally confused and offended by a statement in mine:

Bones and joints unremarkable.

Um, excuse me?! I think my bones and joints are VERY remarkable! I jest about my offense, of course. As Mr. T pointed out, in the medical world, that is probably a compliment (and since Lui’s birth, my joints are probably now medically remarkable). But “unremarkable” feels offensive.

We all want to be remarkable

Most of us know we’re not going to be the next Adele, Michael Phelps, Alan Turing, or Oprah. But we all want to be a remarkable version of ourselves. Indeed, Simone Biles said it best when she said:

I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps.

I’m the first Simone Biles

So what would a remarkable Maggie Banks look like?

A Tornado of Passions

I like to do a lot of things. I love to create and perform. I love to play and experience. As you are all well aware by now, I also love to write and research and I’m passionate about money.

The past few months, I’ve been concocting a very exciting combination of those three passions in my mind. Thanks to my dear programming husband (and opensource software), this crazy idea is turning into a reality.

I am really excited to put all my passions and skills to use to see where this leads!

No, I’m not launching any new and exciting businesses. I’m not selling anything. So what am I doing?

I need your help!

On Wednesday, I will be launching a large-scale study. The link will be posted on the blog and I will be leaving it as the top post until I return after the holidays on January 9 (when I will post my December plan update).

What Can You do?

Friends, I ask two things of you:

  1. Take the survey yourself – it really isn’t long, I promise. It will take between 5-10 minutes (depending on how much you write in the 2 open ended questions posed).
  2. Share the survey far and wide! In order for this study to be valid, I need a large sample size. My goal is to get 1000 people to take it by the end of February and a total of 3000 by August. I can’t do this without your help! If you have a blog, share the link. If you have social media, post the link!

“A survey?!” you’re thinking. “You’re this excited about a dumb survey?” I know. Everyone hates surveys. They’re annoying. But this one has the potential to become something important. The results are going to determine a direction and I’m excited to share what I learn when I get enough responses! Why so many people? Statistical significance! I want this to be a real enough study that it means something!

So thank you, friends, in advance, for taking an annoying survey to help me with my next project. It turns out, our lives are not remarkable alone. And I thank you for helping be a part of the remarkable life of Maggie Banks. See you Wednesday!


Roth IRA Challenge: Start Early


The Money Moose Survey!


  1. I’m in! Can’t wait.

  2. The Green Swan

    You are remarkable, Maggie! Can’t wait to see the survey. Count Lucy and I in!

  3. Chris @ KeepThrifty

    Count me in! Excited to see what you have in the works!

  4. Matt @ Optimize Your Life

    I’m intrigued. Count me in.

  5. Yeah! I’m strangely excited about your survey too!

  6. I love the phrase “Tornado of Passions” – perfect for how I feel about myself too. And I would love to help with your newest project 🙂

  7. So exciting! I love, love, love surveys. And I love looking at the results even more 🙂

    Enjoy your unremarkable bones!

    • MaggieBanks

      Well, if I can find 4-5000 people that are as enthusiastic as you about surveys, I’ll be set!

  8. I’m in, but I might not add much toward your 4-5k mark. I’l at least add 1, 2 counting Mrs. SSC! 🙂

    I think a note in my file would read “remarkable left clavicle” it’s jacked! Be glad your bones and joints are unremarkable, lol.

  9. I will share it like crazy! And I’ll even make Mr. ONL take the survey, if he’s allowed to. 🙂

  10. Looking forward to it, Maggie. Who doesn’t love a rollicking good survey!

  11. Would be happy to help! Congrats on this new project!

  12. TheRetirementManifesto

    Done. Hope the results are “Remarkable”!!

    • MaggieBanks

      Even if my experiment doesn’t work, I’m still excited to have the results direct me.

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