Northern Expressions

Northern Expressions: Inspiration is like Mario

Remember how I told you Lin-Manuel Miranda is better than you? Well, he is. And today we have just another proof. Way back in November, he tweeted a series of amazing tweets about inspiration that I haven’t gotten out of my head. Mr.T worked his graphic design magic on the tweets, and now look how amazing it is!:

Inspiration is exactly like getting a star in Super Mario Bros.

“Inspiration is exactly like getting a star in Super Mario Bros. Exciting, and super rare. You’re invincible for a short time. The rest of your time, you’re breaking bricks, navigating pitfalls, you’re living and dying. You’re doing the work.”

– Lin-Manuel Miranda

Isn’t that brilliant? Some days we’re struck with awesomeness and we feel invincible. But I love the imagery of Mario breaking all those bricks. He just keeps breaking the bricks. Every day, we get out there and we break more bricks. If you don’t jump up to break those bricks, you’ll never get the stars.

Let’s go break some bricks, my friends! And when you happen upon a star, plow through the obstacles as fast as you can! It won’t last long.

Love, Maggie


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  1. I love it! ?

    Now I feel like a badass…and like I want to play video games…is a strange mix of feelings, but I’m digging it. ?

    • MaggieBanks

      Ba ha ha ha. Glad we could throw you into such a confusing and exciting state!

  2. Matt @ Optimize Your Life

    “Remember how I told you Lin-Manuel Miranda is better than you? Well, he is.”

    This could be a daily reminder. Love him.

    • MaggieBanks

      Since I listen to Hamilton nearly daily, I am reminded all the time! 🙂

  3. Chris @ Keep Thrifty

    That is awesome! Also, kudos to Mr. T on the graphic!

    • MaggieBanks

      Thanks Chris! This is what Mr. T likes to do in his free time… 🙂

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