“You must believe that your quest can be successful, even if no one else does. You can deal with setbacks, misadventures, and even disasters as long as you still believe you can see your way to the end.” – Chris Guillebeau
Today’s awesome inspiration is from Chris Guillebeau in his awesome book, The Happiness of Pursuit. I loved this book. It was all about people that went on different quests (visiting every country in the world, not speaking for years, walking across a continent, etc.) and what drove them to do what they did. It was fascinating and inspirational and well-written.
There’s truth in this one little quote. We know we should believe in our dreams, but if we don’t actually, solidly believe we can see our way to the end, we stop. Setbacks, misadventures, and disasters WILL happen. They are inevitable in any journey. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is how deeply they believe they can succeed.
If your goals aren’t worth it, you won’t fight for them. If you don’t have confidence in them, you won’t make it. If you listen to the naysayers, you’ll never try in the first place. Believe, friends. Believe.
Happy Friday!
Love, Maggie
Ms. Montana
I love this! I put up a post this week on creating a new narrative. It is so hard to take the steps needed if you don’t think it’s possible or you don’t think it’s possible for you. Our self talk shapes how we see ourselves. And activity follows identity!
I loved that post! And I whole-heartedly agree!
Felicity (@FelicityFFF)
I’ve got to check out that book – looks great!
Thanks for helping me start my weekend off on a very positive note. 😀
Definitely check it out! I love his writing! (I’m reading Born for This now)
Thank you for sharing this quote. I have definitely seen it before but it’s always nice to be reminded. Too often I think that success is a straight path towards the goals that I have set. Most of the time I have extreme detours that take me to incredibly interesting places that I never thought possible. But at the end of the day I always reach the right destination for me.
If you’re not open and prepared for those detours, they seem like horrible misdirections. It’s all about attitude, amiright? 🙂