Northern Expressions

Northern Expressions: Advice is NOT Permission

You don't need anyone to give you permission to pursue a dream

Happy Friday! Today, Mr. T and I are in London. Tomorrow, we get to see the new play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (I’m really, really excited!). Also tomorrow, we get to witness the grand parade that is the Trooping of the Colour (in honor of the Queen’s 90th this year!). I hope your summer is going well. Today’s quote from Chris Guillebeau is one of my favorites from the $100 Startup. It’s so inspiring! If you want to do it, DO IT! Follow your dream. Make it happen. Tell the naysayers to get lost and go and live your dream! Have a great weekend, friends!

Love, Maggie


Travel Hacking from Anchorage Alaska to London & Paris


Europe for $10/Day (in 1977): Part 1


  1. Reminds me a bit of the Banksy quote:

    “You don’t need planning permission to build castles in the sky”

  2. The Green Swan

    Sounds like a blast, have fun!

  3. Enjoy London. Sounds like you have a lot of fun!
    The idea behind the quote is great. I try to live like that.

    • MaggieBanks

      I agree, but sometimes it’s so hard to actually live that way! Going against the grain, even when you want to, is hard. But we’re trying to find what WE want.

  4. Britt

    The Cursed Child – I am so jealous! Enjoy!

    Chris Guillebeau’s blog is how I got connected to the PF blog world years ago. Not only do I love Chris’ work and have all his books, but owe him HUGE for the change of direction my husband and I took after getting hooked on the PF possibilities!

    • MaggieBanks

      The play was amazing! And I LOVE Guillebeau’s writing. It’s so inspiring!

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