Though Frugalwoods is no longer running the Frugal Hound Sniffs series, our daughter, Penny, decided she wanted to answer the questions anyway. These questions were meant to be written by the pet of a blogger, so Penny thought they were funny. Here is her interview with Frugal Hound:
1) Who are you? What are you? And who are your parent(s)?
I’m Penny. I’m a human. And my parents are Maggie and T. Banks. Mom writes Northern Expenditure. It has a big moose at the top.
2) What frugal tips and tricks does your human use in your pet care regime?
Pet care regime?! I’m a human! I know we buy our clothes on sale for summer at the end of the summer and for winter at the end of the winter for the next year. And we try to take care of our stuff so they don’t break.
3) Favorite treat?
I have lots of favorite treats. One of my favorite treats is a lollipop with a tootsie roll ball in it.
4) Favorite toy?
My favorite toy is my guinea pig. Her name is Emma but I mostly call her Guinea or Guin.
5) What’s the most expensive thing you’ve destroyed?
I can’t think of anything I’ve destroyed. But when my sister was little, she destroyed my camera by poking my camera in the lens and the lens popped out!
6) Most embarrassing moment?
When I was going to watch a movie with my friend, Sophia and she asked if I had Newsies and I said “We have Frozen, it’s a newsie!” I realized later that Newsies was the name of a movie.
7) How often do you get a bath and would you say it’s too often?
Like three times a week. I would say I take a bath too often. I don’t like baths, but I do like showers.
8) What is your family’s financial plan or goals and how do you contribute?
Paying for our house. Living in another country for a little while. And going on vacations to places outside the United States like Cambodia. I went there when I was little, but I don’t remember it. To help out, I do more chores around the house and I don’t beg my parents for new toys and a bag of lollipops and other candy! (she was laughing hysterically here)
9) What is your best skill?
Probably doing the monkey bars. I can skip one monkey bar!
Anything else you’d like to say?
I am seven. I have a favorite blanket. My favorite blanket has white duckies on it. And it is pale green. It is very fuzzy too!
Brian @DebtDiscipline
Well great to meet you Penny! How did you get your name? Where you name after someone? My daughter had a guinea pig and she loved to eat vegetables. Anytime she’d heard us making salad in the kitchen she’d begin to whistle.
That’s so funny! That’s weird. That’s a funny guinea pig. I was named after someone. My great aunt or something.
Taylor @ Freedom From Money
Oh my goodness, this is so adorable! Nice to meet you, Penny! 🙂
It sounds like Penny is already well on her way to a solid financial future (at 7 years old, WHAT?!) I’m super impressed that she already knows the financial goals for your family. She’s lucky to have such frugally awesome parents 🙂
yes, not asking for bags of lollipops is super helpful! 🙂 She’s pretty bright and adorable if I say so myself… but I might be biased!
Alyssa @ Generation YRA
Hi, Penny!! 🙂 Adorable answers! You guys rock in the ways that you include your whole family in your financial planning & goals!
P.S. – Does Penny’s favorite pale green blanket with little ducks have anything to do with University of Oregon?! 😉
It’s not a U of O blanket, but it’s definitely the reason her Nana and Papa bought it for her as a baby!!
Our Next Life
How lovely to meet Penny! 🙂 I love hearing kids answer questions — sometimes there’s a lot more truth in their answers! Don’t we all really just want candy?
Thanks for giving us another glimpse into your family life — love those!
Absolutely. I’ll probably do more interviews with them in the future to get hilarious answers and see how we’re doing as parents on our goal to teach them things. Could be an interesting experiment. And yes, we all just want candy!
Claudia @ Two Cup House
This is adorable. Kids really do say the darndest things–love it. Yay for more interviews with your kiddos!
Thanks Claudia!
Sarah Noelle @ The Yachtless
Hi Penny, nice to meet you! I also like showers much better than baths, so I can definitely relate.
Can you believe I still haven’t seen Frozen? Would you recommend it for adults as well as for kids?
You should see it! Adults would like it because Olaf is so funny! (Penny)
Hi Penny! Nice to meet you.
Sounds like you are a pro at the monkey bars. I was pretty good in my day too. One time, when I was about your age, I went back and forth, back and forth on the monkey bars so many times, I got blisters on both hands that covered my entire palms! Watch out for that. It was no fun.
I hope you got a lot of tootsie pops for Halloween!
That’s happened to a lot of my friends. Not ALL over their palms. But a lot. Pretty much. There were like six of them on each hand. One reason I would like to go to school in Florida is because I could do the monkey bars all year long because I can’t do the monkey bars in winter with mittens on. (Penny)
Hi Penny! I loved those frugalhound sniffs posts! I always wanted to ask my cats if they would want to send a note to frugalhound, but never did… Such great answers here, I loved it! Thank you!
I enjoyed it as well… very entertaining afternoon here at the Banks house! I’m sad they discontinued the series, but alas. Couldn’t pass up posting the answers here. 🙂
Cute! Now I am wondering what my 4 year old son would say to these questions… they would probably make no sense. Although I can tell you the answers would involve the words ‘nocturnal’ and ‘eyeball’ since those seem to be is current favorite words…
I haven’t tried it with my younger ones. No sense, indeed! (Still adorable, probably)
Harmony @ CreatingMyKaleidoscope
Hi Penny! It’s so awesome that you are on board with your family’s goals. I hope you continue to enjoy simple pleasures like the monkey bars and fuzzy blankets 🙂
She’s great at simple joys. One of her talents, for which I’m grateful. 🙂